Saturday, December 31, 2011

Recent Read: The Glass Castle

"Years from now, when all the junk they got is broken and long forgotten...You'll still have your stars." -- Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle

I rarely choose to read non-fiction, no matter how highly-recommended it comes, but The Glass Castle is my happy exception.

A very well-read friend is my favorite go-to for book suggestions. We both favor contemporary works, that are as lyrical as they are character-driven. When she recommended The Glass Castle as my next read, it took me a few months to follow through. How could I truly enjoy a novel that was no more fantasy than the local newspaper?

Needless to say, I was wrong. The Glass Castle is every ounce as captivating and carefully-crafted as even the most fantastic fiction novel. It's touching without sentimentality and heartbreaking without bitterness, all thanks to Jeannette Walls' resolute impartiality. If you're not familiar with the story, the narrative of The Glass Castle begins with Walls' earliest memory as a three-year-old living with her family in a trailer, and follows her throughout her childhood in the ultimate against-all-odds success story.

The Glass Castle might not always be the easiest read -- entirely due to the content matter rather than the writing style -- but it's not often that a book comes along that showcases a plot as fresh as this paired with such a full cast of strong characters.

Definitely my cup of tea.

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